How To Sell Gift Cards to Naira in 2023
Sell Gift Cards to Naira in 2023: Selling gift cards to naira in 2023 may seem like an easy thing to do, but at the same time, you also need to be very careful not to fall into the wrong hands. Let’s be honest, scams are everywhere.
If you are entirely new to this space and have no idea what gift cards are, it’s your lucky day as we will go into the itty bitty of what gift cards are, everything that it entails, and eventually how to sell gift cards in 2023. If this is you, stay with us.
What Is A Gift Card?

Gift cards are prepaid debit cards that can be used to make purchases from where the gift card was purchased or a related business. They are usually made of plastic and you can scan their barcode to deduct the value of purchase from the card. Some gift cards can also be used online, with the card number and security code entered at checkout. In other words, they can be used as an alternative to cash payments when purchasing an item.
You can use gift cards for a lot of things. You can gift your loved ones for their birthdays, anniversaries, and so on. And they can either use it or exchange it for cash.
Risks Involved In Selling Gift Cards
Selling gift cards to naira is not child’s play and therefore shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are potential risks involved that you need to be aware of such as
- Liability
Gift card sellers may be liable for any loss or damage caused by a gift card, including the value of the card if it is not used or redeemed within a certain period.
- Risk of fraud/ scam
As easy as it seems, it is a risky business and you can get scammed easily. Because gift cards are anonymous, if someone got hold of the card’s information, they could max out the card without your knowledge. The worst thing is it would be totally untraceable.
How To Avoid Gift Card Scam

To avoid becoming a gift card scam victim;
- Sell your gift cards on a reputable platform
There are so many platforms that you can sell your gift card to naira in 2023. To avoid being scammed, you need to look out for reputable ones. And there are lots of them as well. One such reputable platform is Dtunes.
Dtunes is one of the recommended platforms where you can sell your gift cards for cash. It is very secure and the transaction is very fast and seamless. A very memorable experience.
If you have gift cards to exchange for cash, Dtunes is your best bet.

Steps To Sell Gift Cards On Dtunes
If you want to sell your gift cards, the first thing is to visit our website or download the Dtunes app from Google play store or apple store.
Below is a step-by-step guide to selling your gift cards to naira on Dtunes
- Download the app on google store and the apple store
- Register and input all your details
- Click on ‘Trade Gift card’ on your homepage
- Fill in the respective fields such as type of gift card, country, card type, etc
- The corresponding rate for the gift card will be displayed and you can proceed
Why Dtunes?
Sell Gift Cards to Naira in 2023

- Dtunes is a very safe, fast, and reliable platform.
- Payment is immediate.
- For a seamless experience, we have a mobile app that has a user-friendly interface
- Our rates are the best. Ask around.
- We have a rate calculator on the website that allows you to know the amount you would be getting without even initiating a transaction
What more do you need? Download the app and enjoy sweet rates.