I sent Bitcoin and my wallet has not been credited yet. Why?
Wallet has not been credited: Bitcoin and some other crypto assets use the blockchain to process and record transactions securely. Simply put, they have to be confirmed on the blockchain. When the transaction you initiated hits 2 out of the 3 confirmation blocks required, you will be credited.
Other reasons why your wallet hasn’t been credited could be that you sent below the minimum or you sent your coin with low priority.
Sending the coin with regular fee/ low priority simply means that low priority is given to the coin.
But sending with high priority makes it easy for us to confirm your cryptocurrency.
However, to enable us assist you further, kindly provide us with;
- A screenshot of your Transaction
- Name as registered on the app
- Date of transaction
- Coin sent
- How the coin was sent( high or low priority)
- Time of transaction and Amount sent
We will get to it, and in no time, your wallet will be credited.
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