How to find your Crypto wallet address

Just like a physical wallet that everyone keeps their native currencies in, your crypto wallet address allows you to send and receive digital currencies aka cryptocurrencies in.

You cannot trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDT, and other cryptocurrencies without accessing your wallet address.

To access your Bitcoin wallet address,

  • Log into your account on the Dtunes App
  • Click on “Trade Crypto” on the home page
  • Select “Trade Crypto”
  • Choose the type of crypto you want to sell (let’s say Bitcoin)
  • Enter the amount you want to sell
  • Click “Sell”

When you proceed to sell your Bitcoin, the wallet address will pop up, copy it, and can deposit your Bitcoin into this address.

To access your Litecoin wallet address,

  • Log into your account on the Dtunes App
  • Click on “Trade Crypto“ on the home page
  • Select “Trade Crypto”
  • Choose the type of crypto you want to sell (Litecoin in this case)
  • Enter the amount you want to sell
  • Click “Sell”

When you proceed to sell your Litecoin, the wallet address will pop up, copy it, and can deposit your Litecoin into this address.

To access your BNB wallet address,

  • Log into your account on the Dtunes App
  • Click on “Trade Crypto” on the home page
  • Select “Trade Crypto”
  • Choose the type of crypto you want to sell (BNB in this case)
  • Enter the amount you want to sell
  • Click “Sell”

When you proceed to sell your BNB, the wallet address will pop up, copy it, and can deposit your BNB into this address.

To access your USDT wallet address,

  • Log into your account on the Dtunes App
  • Click on “Trade Crypto” on the home page
  • Select “Trade Crypto”
  • Choose the type of crypto you want to sell (USDT in this case)
  • Enter the amount you want to sell
  • Click “Sell”

When you proceed to sell your USDT, the wallet address will pop up, copy it, and can deposit your USDT into this address.

Note that the wallet address differs from coin to coin. The Bitcoin wallet address is different from the Litecoin wallet address, which is also different from the USDT wallet address. Only Bitcoin should be sent to the Bitcoin wallet address, and only Litecoin should be sent to the Litecoin wallet address.

We will not be held responsible if it’s done otherwise.

Need more clarity on how you can trade your crypto assets on the Dtunes app, you can also watch our tutorial videos.

Happy trading!