How Much is a $500 Razer Gold Gift Card to Naira?

The $500 Razer Gold Gift Card to Naira is the exact exchange value of the Razer Gold gift card in Naira. This value is always different for different people and might change with time due to certain factors. In this post, we will show you how best to check how much a $500 Razer Gold Gift Card to Naira is and the best app to get the best value for your Razer Gold gift card in Naira.

$500 Razer Gold Gift Card to Naira

The current rate for a $500 Razer Gold Gift Card to Naira

At this time, a $500 Razer Gold Gift Card to Naira is worth a whooping 525,000 Naira for the physical gift card and about 485,000 Naira for the ecode. With this value, the physical Razer Gold gift card is selling for 1050 naira per dollar while the ecode is selling for 970 naira per dollar.

This rate is available on Dtunes if you would like to sell a $500 Razer Gold gift card at this time. However, if you are reading this post at a later date, you might want to check the most recent value of your Razer Gold gift card before proceeding to sell your gift card for cash in Nigeria.

How do I check the current value of my $500 Razer gift card in Nigeria?

Dtunes website has a gift card rate calculator that allows website visitors to check the current rates of any gift card and calculates the current value for the inquiry. This Gift card rate calculator operates freely and is open to everyone. Follow the steps below to check current rates yourself:

  1. Start with getting to Dtunes’ official website. You can do that by typing into any browser or click the link.
  2. Click “Rate Calculator” on the menu. For mobile browsers, click the three-line icon on the top-right corner to locate the rate calculator.
  3. The rate calculator can check rates for both gift cards and Crypto. Ensure you are on the gift cards panel by clicking gift card on top.
  4. Select your gift card type. In this case, select Razer Gold.
  5. Choose country
  6. Select the gift card subcategory that best fits the category of your gift card. For example, Razer Gold (Physical) $100 – $500.
  7. Enter the amount in USD.

Immediately all these details are correctly entered, you will find the current rate and the exchange value for the amount entered below the calculator. Note, that you can check these rates over and over again to always stay sure of the current rates before proceeding to trade.

To start trading with the Dtunes app on your smartphone and continue enjoying gift card trading on a whole new level.

What is a Razer Gift Card?

A Razer gift card is a prepaid card or digital code issued by Razer Inc., a well-known gaming hardware and software company. These gift cards are designed to be used as a form of payment for purchasing a wide range of gaming-related products, including:

  1. Gaming Hardware: Razer is known for producing gaming peripherals such as keyboards, mice, headsets, and gaming laptops. Recipients of a Razer gift card can use it to buy or contribute toward the cost of these gaming accessories.
  2. Gaming Software: Razer offers a variety of gaming software and services, including Razer Cortex (a game optimizer and launcher), Razer Gold (a virtual credit system for in-game purchases), and the Razer Synapse software for customizing gaming peripherals.
  3. Virtual Goods: Some games and platforms allow users to purchase virtual goods or in-game items using Razer Gold, making Razer gift cards a convenient way to access these digital products.
  4. Merchandise: Razer also sells branded merchandise, including apparel, bags, and collectables. A Razer gift card can be used to buy these items.

Razer gift cards typically come in different denominations and can be physical cards or digital ecodes delivered via email. They are often used for gifting to gamers, allowing them to choose their preferred gaming products or services. To redeem a Razer gift card, the recipient usually enters the code on the Razer website or through the Razer software platform, where the card’s value is credited to their Razer account for use on future purchases.

However, cardholders in Nigeria, can sell their $500 Razer Gold Gift Card to Naira with the best trading app and get paid instantly.

How to download Dtunes App for Android and iPhone

For iPhone and Andriod, search “Dtunes” on the App Store and Google Play Store respectively, or click here to download Dtunes for mobile directly.